Thursday, March 31, 2011

Closer & Closer

Getting closer & closer to my due date.. I still have 9 weeks left but it sure has flown by! I had a doctors appointment last Wednesday and he said my stomach was measuring small but since I am small he wasn't to worried just wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure. Monday I had the ultrasound & everything was good, baby Warren was 3 pounds 11 oz & it looks like he has my nose :) My mom is flying up next Thursday to drive down to Florida with me next Friday & she is throwing me a baby shower there on April 9th. I am so excited! Then once I get back from Florida we can really start to get the nursery together.. Wall decorations & all. Super excited! I'm having a diaper shower here towards the end of April. The next 2 months I will be super busy but I am REALLY excited & can not wait to meet my little man!